master bedroom furniture placement

Designer Kenneth Wingard helps you lay out your master bedroom in 5 simple steps.
By: Kenneth Wingard
Whether you’re in a new home with a large master suite or a one-bedroom apartment, there are both easy and challenging parts to laying out the bedroom.
The easy parts: there aren’t that many pieces of furniture to configure and no one is really going to see it except family.
The challenging parts: it includes the biggest piece of furniture in your house and it’s the room where you will spend the most time, so you want to get it right. Let’s break it down and enjoy the easy parts while also tackling the challenges.
Step 1: Place the Bed
It’s by far the largest piece in the room, so start off by getting it in the right location. Sometimes, most often in new construction, the room has been designed with bed placement in mind. The wall for the bed will have outlets and light fixtures all positioned to be on either side of the bed.
In older or more unique setups, you get to decide this for yourself. Ideally the head of the bed will be up against a large blank wall or between two windows. However, if this isn’t possible, here are some things to keep in mind:
How do you use your bed? I like to get up early and sip my first cup of coffee in bed before the kids are up, so being able to stare out the window and watch the sunrise dictated our bed placement. If you find yourself up several times during the night, you may want to consider access to the kitchen (or the bathroom).
Consider where the entry to the room is. You always want to be able to see the door from the bed. All the experts say we sleep better when we can keep an eye on the door. Perhaps it’s a leftover survival technique from our days before burglar alarms.
Don’t put the bed in a corner. Not only are you making it difficult for two people to climb in and out, you’re making the arguably unpleasant task of making the bed even more unpleasant.
Make sure you have at least 24 inches on either side of the bed. This is the minimum you need to hop in and out.
Don’t put your bed at an angle. Except in very special circumstances, it wastes space in the room and creates difficult spaces behind and beside the bed.
You can put your bed in front of a window. Although not ideal, if it is the best place for the bed then it can be made to work. It just means a large headboard or drapes to help unite the bed and the window into a single focal point.
Step 2. Place the Side Tables
Okay, so it’s not rocket science; just put them on either side of the bed. However, make sure that you have at least a couple of inches of room between the bed, your side tables and the far wall to prevent them from looking wedged in. If you’re the only one using the bedroom, you can get away with using just one side table if space is right, but it’s always better to have two for balance.
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