re Arranging Living room
Spring gets me every year. More than any other time, I crave changes around our house. So, while I was “watching” a basketball game on TV a couple of weekends ago, I jumped up and started moving furniture around our living room. #multitasking
The bookcases behind our couch since we moved into the house, but it really made the room feel off-balanced to me. I’d envisioned built-in bookcases around the French doors but moving things around gave me the look I wanted for now. The open wall behind the sofa instantly made the room feel more spacious and open. I’m liking it.

I also purged a lot of books. Who wants to help me pack these up to our attic??
I moved a console table behind the couch and am now in search of the right pair of taller lamps for that spot. (The red one stays until then. . .)
For fun, here are a few lamps I considered at HomeGoods. Still looking. . .
Perfect size; kind of regretting I didn’t grab these. . .
I like the base but wasn’t in love with the shade.
Would be perfect if they were a little taller. :(
My plan is to go a little more neutral overall (but keeping most of the blue and white pieces, of course). Later this week, I’ll show you the (very inexpensive) art I made for the mantel.

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