How to layout your bedroom?

It’s easy to “map” your bedroom according to Feng Shui principles so you can create more harmony in the bedroom. Here’s how:
1. First, draw a roughly square outline of your bedroom on a piece of paper. The wall that has the primary entrance to your room in it should be the lower line of the square.
2. Divide the square into nine equal squares, three rows of 3 squares each.
3. Start with the lowest row of squares, that describes the areas when you first walk into your bedroom. The far left corner of the room when you first enter is the area of Knowledge. The center square relates to Career, and the right-hand square is Helpful People/Travel.
4. Now look at the central row of squares, that describes the middle of your bedroom. The far left square relates to Family/Health. The central square is the Tao, or Center, and the right-hand square is Creativity/Children.
Your layout should look something like this:
Knowledge-Career-Helpful People/Travel
6. Here are some objects that will work best for each area of your room, helping you to attract more of what you need.
Knowledge: Bookcase, books, tools for self-development.
Career: Mirrors or water-related items. Images to support your career goals.
Helpful People/Travel: Pictures of your helpers.
Family/Health: Family photos, heirlooms, plants.
Creativity/Children: Art supplies, artwork, computer.
Wealth: Money, jewelry, fish, fountains, anything red, purple or gold.
Fame/Reputation: Candles, awards, plants, anything red, orange or purple.
Relationships/Romance: Round or oval mirrors, anything pink, pictures of loved ones, paired objects (like two candlesticks or two crystals).
Adapted From Teen Feng Shui, by Susan Levitt (Inner Traditions, 2003). Copyright (c) 2003 by Susan Levitt. Reprinted by permission of Inner Traditions.
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