best bedroom layouts

Sleep experts recommended you arrange your room symmetrically, install heavy curtains and keep pets out
If you're having trouble sleeping it could be down to the interior design of your bedroom
Sleep experts recommended you arrange your room symmetrically, install heavy curtains and keep pets out to get a more restful slumber.
You should also dim your light three hours before bedtime and stop using gadgets and hour before you hit the sack.
Read on for a detailed breakdown of your step-by-step guide to perfect bedtime feng shui.
Ninety-one per cent of Britons say their sleep environment impacts their sleep.
Though we often don't realise, our surroundings affect us in powerful ways. So arrange your bedroom to comfort your body and relax your mind.
According to's tips below: 1. Install a ceiling fan. The ideal temperature for sleep is 18-21C. 2. Open a window just a crack to let air circulate. 3. Add blinds and thick, dark curtains to keep the light out. 4. Plush rugs and cushions muffle noise. 5. Create symmetry matching pairs. 6. Add plants, art or photos of nature and natural materials. 7. Eliminate clutter by investing in cabinets, drawers and storage. 8. Ditch the TV. Fill your space with something beautiful.
How changing your bedroom can change your life
We spend nearly a third of our lives sleeping.
Yet many people don't realise just how sensitive our bodies are during these vital hours of rest.
The space we sleep in has a huge effect on the quantity and quality of our sleep - and therefore the quality of our waking lives.
After all, when we're not properly rested, our brainpower, digestion, reflexes and much more suffers.
Better interior design really can help you get a better night's sleep.
Our bodies have evolved to respond to ambient light.
Warm hued rays from the setting sun signal that it's time to sleep, while blue daylight releases hormones to make us alert.
Now that we live much of our lives under artificial light, we must mirror these natural light spectrums to keep our circadian rhythms in harmony.
According to the infographic, try shutting off computers, TVs and smartphones before going to bed.
Make sure your bedroom is in complete darkness, and us low-wattage bulbs after sundown.
Avoid blue lights and use lamps with warm yellow, gold or reddish light.
Just as bright red signals danger in nature, all colours have an impact on our psychology.
So paint and decorate your bedroom in soothing hues for better sleep and deeper relaxation.
Blues, greens and greys are said to reduce heart rate, lower blood pressure, and promote better sleep.
But reds, yellows and oranges increase heart rate and blood pressure so discourage relaxation.
From the way it feels on your skin to the way it traps allergens to the way it aligns our spines, bedding has a tremendous impact on sleep.
If you're a side sleeper, use a firm pillow to get a good night's rest. But, if you like to lie on your back, a medium-firm pillow will promote the best quality shut-eye - for those snoozing on their fronts, a soft pillow is recommended.
According to the infographic, the average person move 40-60 times during the night - and so it's recommended to change a mattress every seven to eight years.
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