Best Furniture layout for Small living room

Small living rooms always needs special attention while planning. Dediner simply cannot eliminate anything even if it is a small living room. Every furniture should be poaitioned well for better movement and usability.
What are basic furnitures kept in living room?
A) Sofa (3 seater, 6 seater, 8 seater, X seater depending upon requirement of client and size of room)
B) Wing Chair (Atleast one is always required)
C) Centre Table/Coffee Table (Always required to place a cup of coffee or newspaper/magazines while having having discussions)
D) Corner Table (Telephones, Lamps, Vases, etc can be kept)
E) TV unit (Should be placed opposite seating so that person seating on sofa can have a correct view)
These are basic furnitures, apart from these one may add Console, Dining Table and Dining Credenze if there is no seperate dining area, Shoe rack, etc.
Now check out of these furnitures, what are in your requirement list.
Consider the longest wall of room for seating section which by defaults gives wall opposite to it for Tv unit.
Dead space near your entrance can be use to place your shoe rack.
Note - All the furnitures that you shall be using must be designed contemporary / Sleek / Modern to get a seamleaa look in your small living room. Avoid Traditional and Vintage looking furniture as they will look quite bulky in small room.
Some tips for small living room -
A) Use a sheer curtain on windows so that you may get much of natural light.
B) Avoid painting your walls dark, I would suggest all walls to be painted white also furnitures to be white and add colour to your room only by fabrics, that is your sofa upholstry, cushions, stunners, curtains, area rugs, small artwork over wall.
C) See that you go for 4000k for your living room ceiling led lights. (4000k is temperature for led lights, avoid 2000k and 6000k no mattee how pleasent they look in the light store, remember you have a small room)
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